Improve Mental & Physical Health With Gratitude Stories

Studies show that the most effective gratitude practices are rooted in story. Listen to the audio for an example gratitude story.

Increase Focus & Resilience

Reminders to practice gratitude have been shown to increase your ability to focus and remain resilient while facing challenges and difficulties in learning.

Improve Mental Health

A gratitude practice can lead to a long-lasting impact on subjective well-being. People report feeling happier, more meaning, and more joy.

Reduce Anxiety Symptoms

A gratitude practice has been shown to reduce stress hormones in the body and block toxic emotions like resentment, envy, depression, and regret.

A Science-Based

Gratitude Practice is based on a gratitude protocol developed by Andrew Huberman, a neuroscience PhD at Stanford University. Watch the video to learn more.

Potent & Powerful

Long-Lasting Positive Effects

*“The data actually points to the fact that a gratitude practice is a very, very potent way in which you can steer your mental and physical health in positive directions and that those effects are very long-lasting.”

- Andrew Huberman, PhD, Host of the Huberman Lab Podcast *

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Don't worry about writing a perfect story.
Our professional short-story editors will help.
They'll edit your story, so it's as cathartic and compelling as possible.

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First off, thank you!By sharing your gratitude story, you're helping spread the benefits of gratitude to our community of listeners.A professional short-story editor will edit your gratitude story and then we'll email you to get your approval of the final story.